Investing in capital expenditure means purchasing new or upgrading existing assets for the future. It can include projects like a new IT infrastructure or fixing broken chairs. It is one of the most important expenditures during the initial set up of an organization.
When a business invests in a new capital asset, it needs to ensure that the project is completed smoothly and that the funds are disbursed on time. Having a streamlined CapEx approval process will provide a clear picture of the status of the project. A less streamlined process will increase the chances of errors and misinformation. This can lead to wasted time and missed timelines.
A traditional approach to Capex procurement involves a series of multiple approvals. These can be tedious and time-consuming. A cloud-based solution is designed to address the planning and budgeting needs of an organization. It can easily be implemented enterprise-wide.
With a cloud-based solution, an organization can easily automate the CapEx approval process. The software allows users to define custom capital expenditure request processes. The software also allows users to add groups and approvers. Users can also set up approval limits for different currencies.
When a request is submitted, the request will be emailed to all observers and approvers. These users will provide feedback or comment on the request. Once the request has been reviewed, it will be sent to managers for approval. These users can also reject or disapprove the request. They can also attach documents to the request.